Calculation of a stairstep marketing plan

The peculiarity of the stairstep marketing plan is that for each specific distributor, the level of earnings is determined depending on the volume of his personal sales and the turnover of his team. With each new level, the distributor increases the percentage of personal discount on products.


We will develop and implement a stairstep marketing plan as part of a successful strategy for developing your MLM business

Создаем МЛМ маркетинг-планы
Создаем МЛМ маркетинг-планы

Bonuses of the Stairstep Marketing Plan

Sales commission. Percentage of downline members' sales volume
Sponsor bonus. Reward for attracting new distributors
Team bonus. For the team achieving certain sales targets.
Quick Start Bonus. For partner achieving certain goals in a short time
Matching bonus. Commissions from downline affiliates
Infinity Bonus.Paid from an infinite number of levels deep when a certain status is reached

Characteristics of a Stairstep Marketing Plan

A network marketing strategy where distributors advance through a ranking system based on sales volume and team building activity
Upon reaching a certain level, distributors get the opportunity to create their own branches within the company, earning money on their team's sales and receiving additional bonuses
Bonuses and privileges of ranks are determined by the strategy of the company at the stage of calculating the marketing plan

Benefits of a Stairstep Marketing Plan

+ Diversification of income streams. Allows distributors to earn from different structures, increasing overall income
+ Increased business resilience. Thanks to a combined model that can adapt to changes in the industry
+ Flexibility and adaptability. The combination of different business models allows us to adapt to different market conditions and distributor preferences
+ Greater product reach.Using multiple marketing channels increases the reach of products or services
+ Double Compensation SystemThe combination of binary and single-tier structures allows distributors to benefit from multiple income streams
+ Hybrid structure. Combination of binary and single-level functions for a balanced approach

Vulnerabilities of a Stairstep Marketing Plan

- Market oversaturation. Unlimited width can lead to market oversaturation and increased competition
- Focus on recruiting. Focus on recruiting can lead to less attention to product sales
- Limited depth. Less importance of establishing long-term relationships with the downline
- No rewards for personal turnover. For active sellers, step plans are more profitable
- Limitation of "paid" levels. Partners must actively recruit and maintain the structure
- Slow growth. It takes a long time to create a sustainable passive income

Consulting on any type of bonus plan for your MLM company

What clients say about the development of marketing plans by our team

Майкл Бенг
Michael Bang Business coach 2024

Over the years I have worked with many different companies and now I am very proud to work together with Flawlessmlm, because it is a very powerful IT company that can implement in your company exactly those systems that will take your business to the next level. So I want to say a big thank you for everything that you do and we are very proud to work with you and be your partners.

Over the years I have worked with many different companies and now I am very proud to work together with Flawlessmlm, because it is a very powerful IT company that can implement in your company exactly those systems that will take your business to the next level. So I want to say a big thank you for everything that you do and we are very proud to work with you and be your partners.

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