Global Trend
The company creates and implements unique products based on biologically active concentrate "SPA-SKY"

Project start: January 2018
This project was interesting primarily because the preliminary structure of distributors
was prepared in advance in the framework of other projects. Based on its analysis, it was initially determined that the project would
receive over a million registrations in a fairly short time. So, in the draft technical assignment the carrying capacity and queues of
applications have been increased to ensure the execution of transactions
Completed work
What was done at the start of the project:
- All existing credentials of partners were organized into a single, well-functioning system
- Convenient offices with a lot of statistics have been created for both users and the company
- Existing partners were trained to use the website and the functionality of the cabinets
- The functionality of warehouses has been introduced and business processes have been established for their work with regional representatives
- Corrections were made to the marketing plan announced by the client, which allow the company to successfully work and responsibly fulfill financial obligations to partners
- Added functionality for managing payments and wallets with the formation of detailed financial reports
Additionally, as we work, new features have been added:
- Tracking key actions of employees with the "Administrator" role, so that you can always track - who, when and what changes made to the system
- Detailed reports on receipts / expenses for each employee of the warehouse
- Functionality of detailed reconciliations by country and region
Considering the speed of scaling, the structure has been improved
- A queue server was developed to ensure the site's uptime, even with sudden spikes in load. The most common operations are sent to the queue server first and then processed sequentially by the system. This allows guaranteed to handle about 400-500 simultaneous connections
- To speed up the processing of requests, the archiving of financial transactions has been implemented. The most frequent queries identified by the archiving system is used to obtain information about transactions in an automatic mode. This reduced the amount of resources required to process frequent requests and increased the total accepted load. Similar solutions are used in banking and other financial institutions
- To reduce the load and increase the speed of the site, a static data server has been implemented, which allows to remove a large number of requests for transferring the external part of the site from other servers
Global Trend Company shows a very high scaling speed, occupies a leading position in Kazakhstan and expands globally. The company is growing very rapidly - in 3 years, the subscription base of partners has been increased more than 33 times!
Global Trend video presentation

Expert comment

PM Flawlessmlm
This project was interesting primarily because the preliminary structure of distributors was in advance prepared in the framework of other projects. Based on its analysis, it was initially determined that the project would receive over a million registrations in a fairly short time. So, in the draft technical assignment the carrying capacity and queues of applications have been increased to ensure the execution of transactions.
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