A good business idea is not enough to launch a network company. It is important to develop software that will automate all routine tasks and simplify the management of an MLM project. In this article, we have described the main aspects of creating an MLM website that will become a long-term investment in the development of your business.

Features of the MLM business model

Network marketing (MLM) is a business model characterized by the sale of products through independent sales partners instead of traditional sales channels. Distributors independently promote and facilitate sales, receiving commission fees for this.

Thus, in the field of direct sales, business profits are generated by its distributors who sell goods or services and attract new partners. The income of MLM projects also depends on the monetization systems used, including:

  • Sales of products - distributors make sales, receiving commissions on the value of the goods sold. This way, companies avoid hiring employees, renting an office, and paying taxes.

  • Initial investments - new distributors who join an MLM project purchase a starter kit with product samples and training materials.

  • Membership fee - payment for obtaining the status of an MLM partner of the company, which gives the right to participate in webinars, discounts on products and other benefits.

  • Subscription - regular payment by members for access to the CRM system, training center, and other software for effective management of the network structure.

Regardless of the chosen monetization methods, entrepreneurs often face difficulties in keeping records of sales, tracking the success of distributors, and calculating commissions when developing a network business. Therefore, to manage an MLM company, it is necessary to have the appropriate software.

Advantages of MLM software

Global automation of business processes and innovative software in the field of network marketing helps to improve productivity and save a lot of resources. Software for MLM projects is a unique platform - a website that opens up many advantages for businesses:

  • convenient viewing of the distributor network at all levels of the hierarchy;

  • automated calculation of commissions to network partners, accurate accounting of income and payments;

  • optimized management of ordering processes and control of inventory levels;

  • systematization and reliable storage of data about customers, their preferences and purchase history in an electronic database;

  • quick access to in-depth analytics for making informed management decisions;

  • simplified online training and support for partners through a corporate learning management system;

  • efficient task planning, setting collective goals and tracking their implementation;

  • facilitating the purchase process through the availability of an online catalog and various payment methods.

How to create a reliable MLM website

A good MLM software is a multifunctional platform aimed at optimizing management, sales, and commissions. Distributors use the platform to track their sales, tasks, and profits, while administrators are able to manage orders, transactions, users, or website content from the back office.

Based on the general functionality of network companies' websites, there are 5 main blocks of MLM platforms:

  1. E-commerce

Thanks to this block, customers can find the company's products or sales representatives, as well as apply for the status of a distributor. E-commerce is integrated with the back office for the accurate calculation of commissions and includes a catalog of available products, product search, shopping cart, and registration of customers and partners.

  1. Distributor profile

Distributors' personal accounts allow them to effectively manage their customer base and orders, monitor income, and interact with the team. This block contains a dashboard with sales statistics, a profile with personal information, a commission calculator, a list of tasks, CRM, and other tools.

  1. Learning space

Familiarizing new partners with the company, its mission, and products, as well as developing their skills in attracting customers, has a great impact on sales growth. Integrating a training module into your MLM platform allows you to systematize and control the training process. You get the opportunity to add training videos or interactive lessons, introduce tests to assess knowledge, and maintain a leaderboard to increase distributors' motivation.

  1. Referral program management

Network companies sometimes engage affiliate partners to drive traffic or perform other activities under a referral program. These partners place referral links on their websites or social media and receive commissions for the volume of traffic or sales generated through their advertising. The MLM platform integrates tools that automatically record the traffic generated by affiliate partners and calculate their commissions.

  1. Administration

This block is responsible for managing various aspects of an MLM business, including website content, setting key performance indicators (KPIs) for distributors, creating training programs, or monitoring sales. The administration functionality includes up-to-date information on KPIs, setting up commission plans, managing payment methods, registering partners, generating push notifications, and accessing a wide range of reports.

Key stages of creating an MLM software

To get a software solution that will help your network business grow successfully, prepare a detailed development plan that includes several steps:

  • Determining the required functionality

There are a lot of ready-made MLM platforms on the market, but they usually do not correspond to the unique structure of your project and the required functionality. As a result, you will need expensive modifications and their implementation, which, moreover, do not always interact correctly with the main solution. Therefore, it is important to decide what functionality you want to see in your platform before choosing a ready-made MLM website or contacting IT contractors.

  • Formation of requirements

The development team needs to have a clear idea of your future web resource, so formulate a detailed description of it. Use a software requirements specification (SRS) document, which is a standard method of communicating a customer's idea to the development team. The SRS allows you to accurately estimate the amount of work and the necessary development costs.

  • Website design

Creating a design and layout of your MLM website before programming visualizes its final appearance and helps to build a user-friendly interface. To develop a design, you need to contact a web designer or a network business software development company directly. The FlawlessMLM team creates attractive layouts for visualizing MLM platforms before their final development.

  • Development of an MLM website

You can purchase a ready-made MLM platform or use the services of an IT contractor. Ready-made websites seem to be more financially profitable, but there may be difficulties in setting them up and integrating them with other tools. In addition, off-the-shelf solutions often lack high-quality supporting documentation, which makes their support more difficult and expensive. By contacting a specialized IT team, you will receive a reliable MLM platform that meets the needs of your business and allows you to expand the functionality as you scale. We also provide support for the developed projects throughout their entire existence.

  • Launching an MLM platform

At the initial stage of development, it is sometimes difficult to define all the necessary functionality, so you should first develop a minimum viable version of the MLM website (MVP). After the MVP is implemented and tested, it will become clear what aspects need to be improved. This approach helps to gradually improve your software to build a highly effective MLM platform.

Specialized software is one of the main factors in the success of a direct sales business. A high-quality MLM platform allows you to increase the productivity of distributors, increase sales, and optimize the company's activities in general. The FlawlessMLM team of experts creates flawless software solutions with individual functionality for each MLM project. Follow the link https://flawlessmlm.com/en/mlm_site and submit your application, and we will develop a reliable MLM website for the growth of your network business.