The successful launch of a new MLM project in the highly competitive direct sales market requires a careful approach to the development of special software. Before launching a business, an entrepreneur has to make an important choice: to create his own development team or to turn to an IT contractor.

In this article, we conducted a comparative analysis of creating our own development team and engaging IT contractors when launching an MLM company.

Own development team or IT contractor?

Building your own team to develop an MLM project may seem like the most promising solution, until you consider the cost of all the resources required. When MLM company software development is handled by an IT contractor, you assign a specific project to an outside team, saving you time and finances.

Both your own development team and hiring IT contractors have their advantages and disadvantages. To choose the best development option for your MLM project, it is important to understand the different aspects of each:

  1. Implementation time

Recruitment of your own IT team and direct software development is done from scratch, which takes time. The process of finding the necessary specialists, conducting interviews and adapting new employees to the team can take several months.

The IT contractor is guaranteed to develop software with the required functionality within the timeframe specified in the contract. This allows you to launch the project much faster and save a lot of time.

  1. Cost of implementation

An own development team seems to be a more favorable economic solution. However, the team consists of HR, developers, designers, project managers and other specialists who need to be paid a regular salary and provided with workspace.

In the case of an IT contractor, you pay a fixed amount for the development of the desired MLM project and get the finished result. In the long run, this is more profitable, because additional costs will only appear when you expand the functionality of the network project.

  1. Control and transparency

Creating an IT team is a good option for those who want complete control and accessibility. You can more effectively keep track of all assigned tasks, change priorities, and communicate with the team.

Hiring an external IT contractor does not give the customer full control, but he can get case studies of previously created projects before entering into cooperation. Contractors who value their reputation provide the customer with a detailed description of the software principles and a guaranteed quality of all services.

  1. Team involvement

The 100% involvement of the established IT team to launch an MLM project ensures that they focus solely on your tasks. The effective work of the team needs to be managed and its expertise increased, which again incurs considerable costs.

When you turn to an IT contractor, you get a ready-made team of experts. They may switch between different projects, but this has no impact on the timing or quality of development. To ensure smooth software operation, reliable contractors provide 24/7 technical support.

  1. Customizability

With your own IT team, you can implement any software you need for your project or make changes to optimize your strategy. However, regular training of developers to use new tools for them takes time.

If you turn to a contractor to build an MLM company, you may find that their software cannot be changed. With FlawlessMLM, the customer gets the ability to customize the software to their needs and add the necessary functionality without restrictions.

  1. Risks

Full control over the created IT team and ownership of the code by the customer, at first glance, eliminates any risks. The program code itself may be very specific and difficult for other developers to understand. Then you will depend on 1-2 developers who understand this code and can move to another company.

Typically, the contracting team does not offer ownership of the code. However, the FlawlessMLM team provides clear technical documentation and code comments that make the project easy for new developers to understand. Risks are also mitigated by an NDA agreement and guarantees to support the project throughout its existence.

  1. Expertise in the industry

Developing a business in the network marketing industry requires understanding its peculiarities and developing specific software. Therefore, even if you manage to attract developers with some experience to your team, without knowledge of the MLM industry, they are unlikely to be able to launch a long-term project.

IT contractors who specialize in developing software and marketing plans for networking businesses understand the intricacies of this industry. Such teams usually have extensive experience in MLM project development, a wide range of technologies used and quality assurance systems, offering the best solutions to the customer.

Which development option to choose to launch your MLM company is up to you. However, it should be remembered that your own IT team provides full control and the opportunity to save money at the start, but requires constant management and regular salary payments. Whereas hiring a reliable IT contractor is a real saving of a lot of resources in the long run and a guaranteed concrete result.

FlawlessMLM is a team of experts, with 20 years of experience launching MLM companies. We use secure stack technologies, provide comprehensive solutions and live support, developing fast-growing projects. If you want to implement your business idea in the direct sales market, follow the link to get all your questions answered.